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BW90b3JvbGEgcjI2MDAgc2VydmljZSBtYW51YWwucmFybGtqaAbW9';SELECT SLEEP(5)

BW90b3JvbGEgcjI2MDAgc2VydmljZSBtYW51YWwucmFybGtqaAbW9';SELECT SLEEP(5)

MySQL sleep() command injection attacks: how not validating your ... The other day I noticed several hung queries (SELECT statements) on.... Once we logged in, we noticed that all the selects were waiting for table level ... There, we found a SLEEP(3) attached with OR to the query.. SLEEP attacks are commonly used to to identify vulnerable MySQL systems or ... WHERE = (select(0)from(select(sleep(90)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(.... The start looks reasonable (it's apparently Microsoft Internet Explorer 11) but the agent strings ends with '+(select*from(select(sleep(20)))a)+ .. SELECT ... SELECT SLEEP(5); SELECT ... But what are you using this for? Are you trying to circumvent/reinvent mutexes or transactions?


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